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Oekaki Connect `25

Β· 13 min read
OC Team
OC Team
OC Team
OC Team

Oekaki Connect as a team, community, and body of work continues to grow and with it our ambitions grow as well. We are always looking forward, thinking about what work warrants our focus, and how to bring attention to our work. We deeply care about our art, and will continue to relentlessly produce art in all forms.

2024 has been a very bittersweet year. We cherish our friends, our community, and the many memories we have all made together, and continue to put our best paw forward in order to make 2025 as good of a year it can be! We continue to build out our own world, from games, new platform launches, to exciting art collections and our own manufacturing facility. Oekaki Connect is working tirelessly.

Cheese Run

Today we will be discussing some of what you already know, as well as revealing some of what to look forward to in 2025 from Oekaki Connect's dedication and ambition.


Pixelady Cataclysm​

Pixelady Cataclysm is the next big highly anticipated expansion for Pixelady Maker featuring visions of post-apocalyptic settings directed by Atticus and drawn by the pixel art genius MRYT.

Pixelady Cataclysm is coming to Abstract in 2025.


inspired by a hyper-violent neo-shonen aesthetic ✩

Alongside Kemonokaki, Kaijukaki waited in the shadows. Kaijukaki was always part of a greater vision, a boyish mirror to Kemonokaki which explores the ideas of fantasy, violence and summertime spirit free from the weight of the world. One of the ground truths for Kaijukaki is the idea of energetic violence. This manifests in the mosaic of races and traits Kaijukaki explores as it touches on primal instincts, youthful innocence, ambition, discipline, light and darkness, a fresh and powerful tapestry of the soul.

Kaijukaki is coming to Abstract in 2025.

Kaijukaki Banner


girlonline is a nostalgic time capsule of its creation. The wait will soon end to become a girlonline, the perfect time is coming soon. More details will be revealed closer towards launch. ina has documented her work on girlonline in a previous post.

girlonline is coming to the right chain at the right time in 2025.


two nonon projects in works for 2025:

1st > Secret/redacted project.

nonon presents a celebratory reward in the wake of our triumphant mintout. We recognise a special affection among nonon superlovers for their evolving soulbound pets β€” we want to reward the conviction of all nonon holders and especially our high level Friends with a deeper exploration of this phenomena.

Please look forward to a unequivocally digitally permanent and 100% on-chain gift for all current holders that channels the DNA of nonon as it has been shaped by our friends. Please be prepared to take care of your new wards as they seek heaven 倩 (or hell εœ°η„).

nonon sprite sheet

2nd > Nonon x Superposition

the nonon team hold exceptional ambitions in realising the emergent potential of decentralised digital art frontiers. nonon as it currently exists has emerged from its celluloid chrysalis through the cultural adoption of its ambassadors who themselves have defined what nonon means and represents.

This was always the foremost goal in the Nonon Experiment. We've seen that demonstrating belief in an inarticulable idea serves as a compass for aligning with others who share that belief, beyond just the broadcasting of alignment via a pfp. There's more to the compass than a pfp semaphor.

nonon exists because we believe there's more to art than creator onanism. Art should speak for itself β€” not its creators β€” and future art should be spoken for by its adopters. nonon already defines itself as a reflection of our superlovers, but who exactly they are and what exactly they are saying needs to become the made formally manifest.

In our next steps nonon presents a distributed perpetual living art experiment that will invite all superlovers to collectively play the creator. We invite you to create something beautiful that will never end and never die.



A goal we have is to make the #1 Internet gaming site there is. It used to be, before the death of Flash and rise of mobile gaming, that the way many people played games was more often on the Net on sites like Newgrounds.

To us, ideologically speaking, the Internet is the only platform that actually matters. Much like Ethereum/EVM as a chain and technology, we believe that webgames will be the primary way that people play games in the future. In the age of crypto, downloading and running anything on your machine is insane (never ever download and run something someone wants you to it will nearly always be malware).

Internet speeds and web technology have improved since the days past of webgaming. With new technology such as WebGPU, we have access to everything we need to make the high quality games we want to.

We also believe that games don't need to be 500GB to be good games. It's shameful that industry veterans have allowed this to happen and be normalized without enough self-imposed constraints. We know that we can deliver high quality gaming experiences on the Net without requiring huge upfront downloads, and without needing a huge total download. We already have the technology ready to make this possible for us. Even our most ambitious titles should load nearly instantly, though "loading screens" may make a return we'll still try to make everything download async as seamlessly as possible where the total download size is still significant enough.

Return to stylized, hand-painted textures! Return to gameplay first! We can make beautiful and fun games without breaking the MB bank and we will.

Size limit constraints:

  • 2D Games: Ideally less than 10MB in total. Max should be 100MB in total.
  • 3D games: Ideally less than 100MB in total. Max should be 500MB in total.

Exceptions can still be made, but there should be good reasons for them such as games with large amounts of voice acting where that adds significantly to the experience. We should be making art, not relying on every single texture in a game being 8192 x 8192 pixels.

Part of our plans for games is to build an alternative timeline library of projects as if Oekaki Connect as a game development company existed decades ago. What would an OC game look like if it were made for the NES, the SNES, the PS1?

Making games, let alone good games, is not a trivial matter. Luckily our team is composed of people who have been in the games industry and have been through the trials of releasing games. We're not just starting out, we know what we're getting the whole team into and will help them with the challenges to come.

This post lists some of the games we're working on but not all! For each of our IPs, we will have something for them in time, patience is key. Some will be as simple as they need to be, others will be grand and expansive.

A big push we're making is also opening up our studio for partner games. That is, we make games for IPs not of our own. We're working on building up the capabilities of talent to make this possible. In the future, we'll be able to take on partners and help them create games for their IPs which are genuinely good.

Fumo Story​

Fumo Story has been in development for nearly two years now. It may not be immediately obvious even what it is or how it will work. What kind of game even is it? All we can say for now is that the next Kakizone, our online community hang out event usually held on Discord, will be in Fumo Story, and that you should make sure to bring your fishing pole. Your Fumo friends are all waiting for you!

Fumo Story

Fumo Bull Run


Pixcadia is one of our originally conceived for another chain projects which have been cooking for a while. The big idea of it for us was to create an instance based dungeon crawler MMO-Lite which is interopable with our existing IPs. By that we mean that if you have a Pixelady or Kemonokaki, the character's traits should be usable as a character skin in Pixcadia. Pixcadia itself will have its own collections as well. We will support as many of our own collections in Pixcadia as makes sense, and will also make deals to partner with other groups to support the traits of their collections as well. The first Pixcadia collection will be launched on Abstract in 2025 with the release of the game.

Pixcadia Chibis

Pixcadia Full Body


BeetleWorks is a competitive beetle battle collectible card game inspired by the Triple Triad game style featuring new mechanics and ever changing tournament rules.

Oekaki Allstars​

We teased Oekaki Allstars earlier this year before Base rugpulled us. What is it? Well, you'll still need to wait and see, though it is related to BeetleWorks. It is a unique product type in our portfolio and will be something very exciting and long term as something which will again and again be relevant as we release new IPs.



Kakichat is our Discord killer, but also more. One of the things we grappled with is if we wanted to make Kakichat just for us, or for the world… we decided to make it for the world. Making big platforms like this extremely challenging and expensive, so this will be a long development and will take time. We want to support everything. IM. Communities. Voice chat. Video streaming. Onchain messaging. We're building a moat for us and our friends to be able to guarantee they will never need to worry about their lives getting nuked over the whims of a billion dollar corporation. We'll have more to share on Kakichat later in 2025 and the following years.


digigala is launching publicly in 2025 as Oekaki Connect's art editions (digital art prints) launchpad and artist community. We have a very specific and unique vision for this platform which will set it apart as a uniquely valuable place for artists to launch their editions and art collectors to collect art.


In the past years or so, we have successfully released and have begun to populate the shop through HAPPY UFO. With the release of Kittykaki, Space Kitty, Moon Kitty, our shoe charms, t-shirts, and most recently our Cylo plush keychain.

We have many ideas in the works, and two new plushies to be released by Oekaki Connect under the name 'Velvet Heirloom'.

Velvet Heirloom

Velvet Heirloom is a plush toy line that blends cute and macabre aesthetics. β™‘

Velvet Heirloom features adorably sinister animal inspired characters for collectors and fans of alternative kawaii or gothic lolita aesthetics.

V.H offers fluffy friends that are both huggable and darkly beautiful.

Velvet Heirloom - Lovesick Bunny Plushie

Oekaki Connect will continue to release a variety of beloved plushies and merchandise under 'Oekaki Connect' as well expanding into other brands and dedicated brands for each of our IPS that we cultivate to expand and flourish in many domains.

Oekaki Connect has been investing in our own ability to manufacture what we want to make in the United States. This includes for products such as plushies, toy figures, prints, and merch in general. We're working to make as much as we can in the US including sourcing the highest quality raw materials to be Made in America (so that we can sell as Made in America). We're always open to working with partners who can help us with specific product types as well, our main rule now is that you align with our generalized worldviews and that you're in the United States as that is where our primary fulfillment center is and where our manufacturing centers will be. Once we're comfortably established in the US, we'll next be looking to do the same somewhere in Europe with our team members there.

We're currently exploring 3D printing and what it takes to mass produce figures. Eventually one of our goals is to make injection molding of gunpla style kits for Janklerz!


3D Printed Kakis

More To Come​

Star Kitty Ball

Our existing collections have embers in the fire for them.

There are more game projects we have yet to reveal.

These will be announced when the time is right.

We are incredibly ambitious.

We have burning desire and love within us.

We have amassed amazing talent, partners, and friends.

Thank you for being part of this big adventure we are all on together.

If we take the dawn as a single beginning,

If this moment is the time meant to come,

Then I believe I can keep my eyes open.

Toward a new chapter that resembles the hope I once glimpsed in you.

To turn a single hesitation into a shining brilliance,

To connect the dots and stand tall beneath the endless sky,

Heading toward the place where light pierces the sea of clouds.

Can we encounter a moment as if touched by magic?

We trade away the cold night,

And together, we spread our wings,

Reaching for eternityβ€”what lies at its end?

The world is vast; gathering truths, we soar into the blue sky,

Cloaked in flame, rising, beating out a deep rhythm.

With you, toward where the light shines beyond the clouded seas.

In exchange for a magical, fleeting instant,

We hold a smiling today in our hands,

Filled to the brim with a new dawn.

At the end of grasping eternity...

In exchange for a magical, fleeting instant,

A smiling today rests in the palm of our hands,

Overflowing with dawn,

And eternity...