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Consumer Crypto

· 29 min read
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Learn the secrets to actually onboarding the next billion users through making crypto consumer first.

Crypto prices have gone up. But net users have not gone anywhere meaningful. What's going on?

Builders have been rewarded too much for optimizing for the wrong things which has held crypto back.

Crypto is stuck in the same patterns. Making the same ideas over and over again. Building products by crypto natives for crypto natives. While ignoring the greater world.

We firmly believe that crypto will reach mass adoption. We believe that the total global onchain world, if not the interplanetary onchain solar system, is inevitable. It may still be 10 or 20 years away, but eventually everyone everywhere will own thousands of tokens in their wallets and it will be completely normalized.

We are crypto natives who see the potential of the blockchain beyond the fugazi, we believe that crypto can be more for everyone, because we fundamentally respect the technology and can see that this way of doing things is better than the old ways.

We want to get good people into crypto now so that they can benefit in the long term. Our forward thinking visions are crystallized. We believe this is all going to happen, and so we want to help steer it in a direction that is ultimately good.

Kittykaki Crypto Onboarding

Our choice of chains to build on has always been more about aligning with our long term vision.

Our experience with Base has been illuminating to us all. Though Base aligned in terms of technology, low gas fees and easier onboarding than others, and ostensibly was marketed in a way that should have meant it would be friendly to us, it was not. Like many in crypto, we saw the same tone-death cargo cult of what is supposedly the meaning and purpose of crypto, as if what they were doing and what they were promoting is what is supposed to be the things which brings the next billion onboard. We often ask ourselves "why hasn't anyone done Thing yet it's so obvious" around so many subjects related to crypto, and, really, the answer is that so many people who are "building" lack any vision at all, they are only capable of building airplanes out of sticks and mud, trying to summon a vision of the past. So many, who we might call a suitable derogatory word, are driven by maddening, myopic greed, fixated on only ever trying to recreate what has already been done, and what already failed to actually bring forward consumer crypto as a reality.

If you're reading this then it probably means you are more worthy than others. We want you to win with us. So, please, take some time to understand how important this all is, and work with us toward this greater mission. We want to rally you toward opportunities like Abstract.

The Abstract thesis in a nutshell:

  • Putting fun first
  • Rewarding and uplifting genuine creators
  • Focusing on getting net new users
  • Creating platforms that can massively amplify builders by solving marketing for them
  • Abstracting the blockchain experience to lower the knowledge requirement to zero
  • Loyalty toward those who are loyal

Consumer Crypto Defined

Consumer crypto in essence is crypto which average people will eventually do in their every day, day to day personal lives.

As crypto natives, we have a specific set of nomenclature based around the actions we do in our onchain lives. There are so many kinds of ideas which are complex which do not necessarily need to be explained to be useful. While it's great to learn, people don't need to know how their credit cards actually work beyond swipe/tap/sign. They want to buy and sell things. Consumers understand those words. They want to login to websites, billions of people already understand that. This is web3 after all, the next step of the Internet's progression, but it does not need to be alien to those who understand the old Internet. We can make it easier for them. We can lower friction to getting started. That's part of good onboarding. We should always encourage people to own their private keys and keep them safe, but we should also embrace technology like embedded wallets which can act as a friendly trojan horse toward getting people even in the door.

Our vision of what consumer crypto is naturally is an extension of the current reality of human society. What people do offchain can be done better onchain. While memecoins do great heavy lifting (compared to most other ideas) in onboarding some kinds of people, there are more powerful and more sustainable ways possible that align with other human conditions.

We have an open ocean that we can optimize for and bring in.

Are you speaking to "crypto native" power users, or are you speaking to the world?

Fun First

Fun is something Oekaki Connect deeply believes in. Putting fun first has been part of our core values since day one. Fun is on our nameplate as a company.

Fun is universal and powerful.

Fun is how you win with consumer crypto.

You have to put fun first.

You have to make it easy to get to the fun.

You have to immediately be able to have fun.

It shouldn't even feel like you are on a blockchain. It should feel like a normal Internet experience.

Need to optimize. Hyper optimized everything. Increase conversion rates. Make it sticky - make people want to keep coming back, make people want to stay around. Make it juicy - have attention to detail, make it reactive and responsive, make it a joy.

Onchain fun.

What's fun? You know it when you see it. It's something you understand in your soul.

Crypto rewards will enable us to overcome everyone else still stuck in the web2 world. Onchain is inherently more consumer friendly and intrinsically more valuable for everyone.

We are still a ways away from everyone using crypto for everything. Solving the problem of onboarding the next billion is something that needs to actually be done. There are ways we believe it is possible. And it's important that chains actually walk the walk and not be all talk.

Apps make chains, chains don't make apps. Killer apps become the reason to use an entire chain. Kemonokaki alone brought so many actually real people to the chain it launched on. It is absolutely essential that chains are friendly to enthusiastic builders, and to not be blinded, demoralized, or simply too complacent as to sit on their laurels to have the awareness of what actually has potential, what is actually getting grassroots support, what is not completely fake. These genuine projects will be what brings people onchain in the biggest waves.

We're not going to reveal our hand here. We have plenty of aces ready to deploy at the right time. If you lack vision and want to know where things are going, then pay attention to us. We will lead by example and show everyone ways forward.

Creating mindshare, get people in through fun, once people are familiar with the platform through fun discretionary spending then they can go from necessary to essential and then have their whole life onchain.

Explaining Abstract

Abstract is a technology but more importantly it is a revolutionary (as in violence) mindset toward speaking to people who have never used crypto before. Making crypto technology for regular people that requires zero new knowledge to use effectively.

Consumer crypto is a core part of Abstract's fundamental worldview.

Yet another L2?

L2s offer us all the ability to try things in new ways. Abstract is focusing on consumer facing use cases over all else. This core value is very important to our team and is exciting for us to be able to build on a chain which is catered to the masses. Seamless and frictionless for consumer products.

Abstract today is building the foundation of the core communities, who will be leading the charge. We will be a part of this. We're part of who is being brought in, and we will help more people to join us who share our values. Abstract is the solution toward building for the masses. We are making a very big bet on Abstract (but, to be clear, we are not exclusive to Abstract, we will be building certain things on Abstract and building other things everywhere else).

Abstract is not for farmers. These people won't get much from Abstract. Abstract are leaders, not followers. They are not doing the same fake VC KPI things others have done that have gotten them nowhere. There are better chains to keep doing the farming where there is more to gain by those who still want to keep playing the failing moves. None of these fake things are sustainable nor will they lead toward true mass adoption. There be bots.

Community + Culture + Distribution

Fast + Low gas fees + Ease of use + Easy onboarding + Product market fit + Distribution

Using your wallet as a login everywhere.

Doing consumer better than anyone else.

Optimizing for the consumer experience.

Built for the consumer so that the consumer experience is as good as it can be.

Marketing and Virality

Who gets the most net users is who does the best marketing. Who is the best at reaching normal consumers? What does it actually take? Look at the numbers of who is involved with Abstract and their ability to reach people beyond what has become effectively a crypto containment zone filled with mostly people who have been here for years without true and meaningful growth.

Destinations of fun

Build destinations for the highest quality applications that are hyper high quality, clean, and well made. Build it. Make sure it's actually good. Then market that. Destinations are clearly a critical part of Abstract's goals. We will participate in ones we are welcome in, and build our own too. It's incredibly important to have some awareness, you can't just build another crypto native destination which looks and feels like yet another crypto native destination. You need to think bigger.

Optimize for low price purchases, $5-10 instead of $5-10k

Part of the goal of Abstract is to normalize low priced purchases for a variety of services and goods. It's not just about the 10,000 collections that have million dollar market caps. It's about the every day consumer spending desires beginning with entertainment based discretionary spending. What does that look like?


Lowering complexity, lowering knowledge requirements.

You, dear reader, are more likely to be crypto native. You have already broken through the scary and overwhelming wall of complexity and knowledge requirements to begin to use crypto. Games like Dota 2 require a very high level of knowledge to play effectively, but can still be fun to play for your first time going against some bots with your friends, and other MOBA style games may be even more approachable and fun. Crypto will always have deeper complexities that those interested can get into if they wish, but we can still build for the world's needs to be easier and less burdensome to get started with. We can make it more intuitive and feel less overwhelming and scary.

We want to lower the complexity and lower the need to learn before crypto can be used. Some of this requires changes in how we communicate.

We need to use words like Login, Buy, Sell, and use $USD values next to the native ETH token values. Let people buy things for exactly (or very close to) $5.

Can I have $5?

Familiar phrases make onboarding easier, but you need to do it for the right reasons, to lower friction, and not for ideological reasons. From OpenSea to Base, the corpos have all bewilderingly embraced these ideologically driven people in positions of leadership who hate crypto and what it means for freedom and ownership in the same way that AAA companies have been infested with people who hate games, gamers, the very idea of fun, and are willing to sabotage the very business they were hired by in order to serve their ideological masters. They can claim there's nothing sinister going on, but we've seen it all before. It's playing out before our eyes.

Bringing a wider audience in without needing to explain.

Again and again it needs to be said that web3 should use the same language to onboard web2 users as what is already understood by consumers. It needs to. There's no reason not to. Create your account or login. Not connect your wallet.

Signing transactions isn't important.

Type of transaction isn't important.

Let people show up and do what they do on any other website. With embedded wallets, implemented through destinations which provide for a safe transaction sandbox, normal people can transact all they want with relative safety without signing a bad transaction on a random drainer site (a major reason why many leave crypto forever), while still being the ones with ultimate control of their transactions and of their wallet.

Consumer first chains like Abstract are an opportunity to get in at the ground level of an entirely new community. The old guard merging with new friends to build a greater global community that actually does value freedom, ownership, and fun.

The Abstract team understand consumer more than anyone else in crypto. If anyone is going to solve the consumer question, it is them. They've earned our faith and we will rally behind them. It is clear that Abstract has what it takes to become the dominant consumer chain through driving the consumer crypto revolution. The Abstract team is in the business of winning, and we will all win with them.

Beware the Cringe.

One worry we have is that naturally the current wagmi/gm/fam crypto audience is the only audience Abstract has. This is evident by going to their Discord and looking around. It's difficult when launching something new in crypto. You always get swarmed with bots, farmers, and cringe. The genuine crypto native OGs have their place, but they still need to understand that we are making way for the world, and not rigidly enforcing what the world has been conditioned to view as effectively forced meme cringe about crypto. Think of the pre-web2 era of Internet culture where there was so much slang that was unique to that time. We don't really say netizen anymore, it has the vibe of ok, boomer. So much in crypto is pure cringe.

Reject the cargo cult, talk like normal people, welcome in normal people. Stop using the same tired patterns. You may even want to lean into abstracting Abstract. The world does not need to ever interact with the Abstract discord or any wagmi style communities. Your real growth in users will come from the world, and they can form a new community that is organic and informed by your foundational culture, through your art.

There still needs to be groups based on interests. There are more cults and more cultures in crypto, you need to manifest one that the world wants to be a part of because it is true to them as a human. For us, it's obviously a more cute, authentic, and wholesome culture. For you, it can be anything. Look to the real world. Look at all of the various sub-cultures on the big web2 sites and apps. That's what we're talking about.

Use web native language. Use language of normal people, of your actual target audience (people who love what you are actually making).

Don't look like a crypto project. Look like a real project! A game. An entertainment company. A community for hikers. Anime enjoyers. Web2 got over the cargo cult of the World Wide Web and became more human a long time ago.

Approaching Abstract Mainnet

The launch of Abstract’s mainnet is a pivotal moment in consumer crypto. Abstract isn’t just another Ethereum L2 solution—it’s built to solve the very real problem of getting everyday people to use blockchain technology without ever feeling like they’re interacting with crypto at all. This is where mass adoption starts.

Why Abstract is Different:

While most L2s focus on speed, fees, or DeFi, Abstract’s vision is laser-focused on consumer usability. It’s built on zkSync, so transactions are fast and cheap, but more importantly, it’s built with people in mind, not just crypto-native developers. Abstract is designed for users who don’t care about the underlying tech—they just want things to work and feel as intuitive as what they already know.

Built for the People

The cornerstone of Abstract’s potential for success is its approach to account abstraction and embedded wallets. These are how we eliminate the initial friction that has held crypto back from mass adoption.

  • Native Account Abstraction (NAA): On Abstract, every account works like a smart contract wallet. No confusing steps. No worrying about gas fees or signing cryptic transactions. Whether you’re a seasoned developer or someone completely new to crypto, the experience is the same—seamless and simple. It should and will work like any website on the Net.
  • Paymasters: You don’t need your users to worry about gas fees. With Abstract’s Paymasters, those trivial fees can be covered by someone else (such as you as a service owner). This is a boon for onboarding new users—people can jump right into using apps without needing to hold ETH for gas. They can visit your site, register an account, and start using crypto onchain without even realizing it.

Embedded Wallets & Passkeys: Opening the Door for Everyone

Abstract makes it easy for anyone to get started using crypto without ever needing to know they’re using crypto.

  • Embedded Wallets: With just a Web2 login (like email or social media), users can create a crypto wallet (which they alone ultimately control, can export the private key to use as a non-embedded wallet) without even realizing it. They can start their journey through paying with a credit card or redeem a code, and suddenly, they’re onchain. They're accumulating things they genuinely care for, and doing onchain actions which move the onchain state in a way they desire it to.
  • Passkeys: These are generated right in your browser, no extensions required. This makes it even easier for users to start interacting with blockchain applications. Get people through the door with as little friction as possible (though having a passkey for every site is a tedious prospect).

While both embedded wallets and passkeys seem more ideal for initial onboarding than what we have right now, they aren’t meant for long-term storage or serious transactions. They’re tools to help new users dip their toes in the water. Once they’re comfortable, they can move to more secure, traditional wallets.

Culture and Community Drive Adoption

Abstract isn’t just about building a better L2—it’s about creating a consumer-first culture that drives mass adoption. The key to onboarding the next billion users isn’t more complex technology—it’s about creating ecosystems people want to be part of. Abstract’s focus on fun, seamless app discoverability, and community engagement ensures that users aren’t just onboarded, but they stay and thrive within the ecosystem.

In the same way games and apps bring people to the App Store or Steam, Abstract is building destinations of fun and utility that are so intuitive, people won’t even know they’re using crypto. By simplifying the experience and speaking to normal people, Abstract is creating the blockchain people will want to use.

It’s About the Consumer

Other L2s may be chasing the next big ponzinomics DeFi app or botted infrastructure milestone, but Abstract is doing something different. It’s building for the consumer. The goal isn’t to reinvent the wheel, but to make it so easy, seamless, and feel so familiar that people naturally shift to onchain experiences without even realizing it.

Abstract’s account abstraction and global wallet system take away the clunky UX that has defined crypto so far. One-click logins, no gas fee headaches, no seed phrases—just log in and go. That’s what will make Abstract the go-to platform for consumer crypto.

A New Standard for Blockchain Usability

As Abstract’s mainnet goes live, it will set a new standard for what blockchain usability should look like. No more asking users to jump through hoops just to make a transaction. No more confusing wallet setups. Abstract is making crypto as accessible as a normal website.

The combination of seamless onboarding, fun and engaging apps, and consumer-focused design ensures that Abstract is poised to lead the charge in mass adoption. When users can start interacting with the blockchain without feeling the friction, that’s when we win. Abstract’s mainnet isn’t just another step forward; it’s a leap toward bringing billions of users onchain.

More on Embedded Wallets & Passkeys

It's important that we make it easier for new people to crypto to even get their foot in the door.

Embedded wallets and passkeys can help accomplish this.

Embedded wallets allow people to create a wallet through a web2 login. It feels like voodoo at first, but it works. You can let people pay with a credit card to get something to get started with an embedded wallet. Or if they redeem a one time code generated from a merchandise purchase that could work too. Then you know you have the signal necessary to sponsor gas for their transactions.

Passkeys are keys generated in the browser directly without the need for a wallet extension. You can sponsor transactions and allow passkey based wallets to do onchain transactions on chains like Abstract very affordably.

Both of these solutions are generally per-website domain. Privy is working on enabling embedded wallets to be able to work cross-domain.

Neither embedded wallets nor passkeys should be encouraged for substantial usage. These are simply tools to get people onboarded. Though you can export the private keys for both, you should still not encourage people to use these private keys as their primary wallets, they should only be for temporary redemptions and for "accidentally" learning about crypto through your product or ecosystem.

Though embedded wallets and passkeys will be very useful in introducing users to crypto, they also offer a substantial risk. Anyone with the web2 login access can get any embedded wallet private keys generated with it. Anyone with your browser account access (if you have passkey sync enabled) can get access to your passkey private keys. Though it's also true that in many situations anyone with device access can get access to your normal private key. Everyone needs to learn about and understand these risks both from the point of view of knowing that this doesn't change much about existing security concerns but also the reality that we're relying on more centralized services for all of this to work. As crypto becomes a part of everyday life, people need to understand the value of keeping their devices and accounts secure and moving to actually decentralized services. The Internet itself is still a centralized service, and needs to be decentralized as well. We'll get there.

Passkeys and embedded wallets can be protected by an extra layer of password/pin on top, but those things won't stop a serious attacker. Encourage your users, who get into crypto through your service, to migrate their assets off their temporary wallet onto a permanent multisig safe and to never keep a substantial amount of assets on these temporary wallet solutions.

Does explaining embedded wallets or passkeys to new users really help anything? No! The whole point of them is that they make the initial onboarding as seamless and frictionless as possible. This is why it's important to use language new users are familiar with already and not use terms like connect or mint without context people understand as these words without context are confusing to new users.

Don't overload new people with too much new information.

Get them into your thing as smoothly as possible and have them making onchain actions without them even realizing they did so.

Then you win.

Why Leading Onchain Crypto Matters

Setting the tone for new crypto culture.

Current crypto culture is the cargo cult death spiral. The numbers don't lie. Anything successful within the context of crypto is parasitic to downstream or upstream culture, while degen crypto culture is still embraced as the way it has to be. Those who reject this culture are having more success. What's the point? Degen crypto culture is significant in crypto history, but it's not the way forward. The way forward is embracing culture which is more relevant to humans (this is why memes work for the parasites to feed off from and run into the ground), to the human condition, to the future of humanity.

It goes without saying that the current upheld crypto culture is a scam culture. Full of rugpulls and fugazi, fugayzi. Crypto isn't unique to this even if it's uniquely shamed for it. Evil people exist everywhere.

Does the 1,000,000th Cryptopunks derivative appeal to non-crypto natives? Does it even appeal to crypto natives? Or does it only appeal to those who have a vague cargo cult idea about crypto, where they make a botted, inauthentic, smoke and mirrors project that no one actually wants.

We also have a problem with corpos. So many of them are falling into the identity politics trap. They want you doxed so that they can track their ESG scores. They obsessively uplift creators who align with WEF agendas, meanwhile those things have zero actual cultural capital nor genuine value to humanity. No one wants them. Supposed demand for them was purely artificial, obtained through an unsustainable fever dream. We can see that clearly when game developers lean into these worldviews and spend hundreds of millions on products that fail to sell, and then, when they are hit with the financial fact of their failure, become even more mind broken, slavish NPCs for a death cult.

Chilling Effects of Soft/Safe Culture

Walking on eggshells.

This stifles everything and everyone.

If you bend to the will of the people who demand you constantly apologize, you're going to get demoralized and not even go further with your mission. It's better to cultivate a genuine culture free of the manipulative propaganda and gatekeep these losers out of your home.

Worshiping ideology as a religion.

You should be extremely cautious of these kinds of people as they are pure poison. If you allow leadership or community takeover by groups of people who put their petty grievances above your mission, you will die.

No grit. No edge. No truth. No Beauty. Homogenized. Bland. Humorless. Cringe. That's the fate of not having a spine.

Not allowed to make attractive characters because it could make someone upset in the team? You have a problem.

Want to make a character less ugly but can't because it could make someone upset in the community? You have a problem.

If you're not allowed to push boundaries, you have a problem.

If you can't call something retarded, you have a problem, and you're retarded.

If it's problematic to say something isn't hot or sexy or cool or beautiful enough, you have a problem.

Corpo bullshit. Religiously ideologically evil.

Fake people making fake products. Inauthentic. Nothing genuine about it. Nothing exciting or daring. Cast these people out.

i could be violent

You do not need to explain to or be accountable to people who are waiting to be offended. This is the road to ruin.

Observe Japan and China. Observe gacha games. Money speaks. Direct value expression is the best way to have value discovery. It is incredibly direct.

Doesn't mean you have to go extremely hard in every way.

Just don't be trapped in mediocrity because you are afraid of being real. Meaningful. Authentic.

Money doesn't matter. It's the value. People will buy games they genuinely value, that was made for them. That's what it means to say money doesn't matter.

Understand your audience! The people who pay for what you make. Not activists, not journalists, and not busybodies.

Be careful with your team too. If you're building something with people who are not even a fan of what you're making it will put you into trouble. It should be obvious, but if you have anyone on your team who hasn't broken the anti-crypto conditioning fully without a second thought, that person cannot be allowed on your team, they will sabotage you.

Too many studios are hiring people who are outright hostile to their audience, it's no wonder they create products which are poison for the market.

If we are truly to achieve consumer crypto, then we must endeavor to be authentic. You must believe in the mission. You must actually understand the mission.

It's simple. Make things that people actually like, want, and need.

Do you have the self-awareness to know what you like, want, and need? Do you know for a fact that many others share your likes, wants, and needs? If you're not already addressing those likes, wants, and needs… what are you even doing?

Defeating Crypto Stigma

Product market fit is essential.

Consumer boycotts only work when there is low product market fit. The fact is that if you make something people actually want, that can defeat any kind of consumer grievance.

Steam Game Boycott

Meanwhile, if you make your product deliberately radioactive, you tell your target audience to not buy it, you rebuke truth and beauty… then consumer boycotts are very easily effective.

Concord on Steam numbers

Concord cost to make

The point is that you should not worry about any past stigma against crypto. The crucial problem to solve is consumer market fit, not arguing the FUD - that's simply an IQ test.

Appeal to consumers. Make something they will actually want. Make actually good products.

Make a good product. Make it easy to pay for it and use it. Solve the problems that exist with onboarding. That's what Valve solved with Steam to make pre-web legacy OS games a successful business. Steam is easy, convenient, has the features gamers want. Thanks to it taking over this opportunity, it has established a soft-monopoly on PC gaming where few AAA publishers have yet to bend the knee (Nintendo, the final standout, having now fully embraced mobile, is just around the corner to publishing games on Steam).

Making it easy to onboard is not the most crucial thing to solve. Making products and services that people actually want is. Have proper market fit. Demonstrating the value of what is offered over the old ways of doing things.

Demonstrating value is straight forward. Crypto products done properly are far more consumer friendly than the alternatives.

With Steam, you don't own your library (Valve even had to explicitly admit this due to a court loss), you can't resell your games, you can't even actually withdraw any value from everything you put into playing games (only Valve and game developers are allowed to do this). Steam has a marketplace, but its generated value is a walled garden with no way to offramp. Valve takes a cut from every primary sale, and every marketplace sale.

Valve even enforces creator royalties on art sold on its marketplace (curious, isn't it). Marketplace sales of items traded all kick back some actual value to the artists and gamedevs who made those items. It has strong parallels of what we're trying to accomplish, but the way we want to do it is more free, more open, more consumer friendly, more pro-consumer, and consumers will in time see this as self-evidently superior.

It's inevitable. Once it happens, it will feel so obvious. So many will say that they could have done it, but didn't.

Gamers enjoy Gaben's ostensibly benevolent reign, despite the many actual drawbacks of the platform, but are in for a rude awakening when they realize what can happen to Steam as a centralized service once Gaben is gone. How much worse can Steam get? Steam can easily destroy its product market fit. All it takes is people who are too greedy, or too ideologically captured to get control and kill the golden goose.

Woke Godot

Vitalik World of Warcraft Crypto.png

The Big Picture

What we want are the millions of people online who use services like Steam, the iOS App Store, the Google Play store, to naturally use what we build too, and to prefer what we offer over the alternatives. Eventually, instead of being militantly loyal to Steam, a new age of digital/web first gamers, who see the value in true ownership, will be militantly loyal to us instead.

Look at these numbers on Steam. The people are there. We all can see it.

Steam Active Users

But… mobile dwarfs even these numbers. Hit games on mobile can have hundreds of millions of users. Again, the people exist, we just need to make the content, the IPs, the services that are the perfect bait to get them to have the epiphany of valuing ownership and what we provide.

It's not going to be easy, there will be struggles, but we're in it to win, we will always do things the right way, we will always put truth and beauty first, and we will be violently relentless in the pursuit of our goals.

Our Competitive Advantages

We are focused on the consumer. The bigger picture.

We are not obsessed with reinventing the wheel. We will when we need to, but only when we need to.

We love remixing/iterating. We will take the best ideas and make them better.

We are fans of genuine cultures that have massive volume. We are true gamers, true fans of so many things like anime ourselves, we understand what that means and how important it is to be authentic to your audiences.

We are not antagonistic against our own culture. Unlike the ideologically captured AAA gaming industry, which is due for catastrophic corrective failure, we love our people, our fans, our community, and we want to make what they want.

We can sense fakery from a mile away and we always reject it. We are interested in doing things the right way. Always.

We are in the ascendency. Just look in the greater halo we are a part of and you will see what is to come.

We are gaining cultural power. People are ready to embrace our worldview on creation and ownership.

We are you. If you're reading this all and nodding along, you are part of us as well.

We will win. Together.

Oekaki Loves You