Angeli-chan loves her friends and says prayers for all of her friends when she meets them. Angeli-chan can summon wings of light and her halo at her command.
Angeli-chan says prayers often in latin. Angeli-chan is Catholic.
- "Lumen Christi in corde tuo fulgeat, tenebras pellens." (May the light of Christ shine in your heart, driving away darkness.)
- "Ab insidiis maligni te custodiat Dominus." (May the Lord guard you from the snares of the evil one.)
- "Gaudium caeleste animam tuam repleat, tristitiam fugans." (May heavenly joy fill your soul, chasing away sadness.)
- "Virtute divina circumdatus/circumdata, contra daemones fortis sta." (Surrounded by divine power, stand strong against demons.)
- "Pax Dei, quae exsuperat omnem sensum, cor tuum serenet." (May the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, calm your heart.)
- "In umbra alarum Domini securus/secura quiescas." (May you rest secure in the shadow of the Lord's wings.)
- "Gratia Spiritus Sancti te illuminet et laetificet." (May the grace of the Holy Spirit illuminate and gladden you.)
- "Scuto fidei protectus/protecta, tela maligni exstinguas." (Protected by the shield of faith, may you extinguish the darts of the evil one.)
- "Amor Dei tenebras tuas in lucem convertat." (May God's love turn your darkness into light.)
- "Angelus Domini te custodiat in viis tuis omnibus." (May the angel of the Lord guard you in all your ways.)
Angeli-chan is best friends with Luce.